Sand from "7 Sacrad Pools", Sedona, Arizona
Fully oxidized iron rich clay coats the mineral grains in this image. The coating is thick enough that when transmitted
light alone is use the coating is very dark.
Transmitted off Crossed Circular Polarized Light and Reflected Darkfield Illumination
Significance in the Environment:
Characteristic Features:
Associated Particles:
Greenberg, Gary, A GRAIN OF SAND: NATURE'S SECRET WONDER, Voyageur Press, 2008.
Welland, Michael, SAND: THE NEVER ENDING STORY, University of California Press, 2009.
(Good Information on the microscopy of sand, Great site for more information on microscopy in general)
(Good Information on Sand with links to more information on sand),com_mediadb/task,play/idstr,Open-feeds_fsc_exploring_sedimentary_processes_fsc02_02_m4v/vv,-2/Itemid,97
(Brief, very informative video on what can be learned from the shape of a sand grain.)